My story

Hi! I’m Nitesh Roy

Truth is truth no matter how much it is bitter. I am not a Professional Trader or Trainer or Adviser or Tips Provider. I am normal person like you, comes from a Middle class family of West Bengal. I started my Trading career by seeing 1 of my relatives are making good money from here. After starting, I don't find a proper way to grow step by step. I join multiple Paid Calls group, take Advisory through phone calls WhatsApp, telegram  etc. I thought that, it is a Money making machine, anyone can make money from here & become rich overnight. But after losing all of my savings & loan amounts, I realised that it's not true...

Yes my friend. Stock Market is not for everyone. Everyone can't make money from here easily. Still 90% traders are losing their money. But why ??

Because of Greed, Dream of becoming rich overnight, freedom of money & time, etc. And why they loose, they don't focus on Learning, deep education, practice, patience, process, etc. They don't try to understand this business properly, they just want to make money. My friend, Money comes from Experience, and Experience comes from bad Experiences. So, when you Trade depends on a Tips, it cannot give you experience. You only get experience when all the Trading decisions are taken by you everytime. With this habits, your Profits will encourage you and your losses will teach you a lesson. 

After I know these truths, I started joining multiple Webinars, Paid Courses, Mentorship Programs, Seminars, etc. I purchased a lot of Books & start reading out. Also started to spend time with Charts, Data, others trading tools. Create my own Setups, Backtest it for long time, practice with small amount. Learn important points from every losses, and try to correct it & didn't do the same mistake in future. Maintain journal everyday & analyze it on weekly basis. Because you will find your hidden fault in your journal only. With these, I got some experience & knowledge 

After that I started to share my knowledge and experience with those who need it by charging a little bit of fees. Because of no one gives value to Free things. One last point my friend, TIPS & RECOMMENDATION can fully destroy your trading career. Don't try to take these from any unregistered person. Trust on SEBI & their registered person only. I am not registered with SEBI. Also I don't provide any TIPS, Advisory, Recommendation, Paid Calls, Free Calls, Guarantee or assurances. Because I don't believe in these. I only believe in Learning - Hardwork - Patience

Don't focus on how much time it takes to become a Professional Trader. Just believe on you & your God/Allah. You will become a Trader soon. Just don't loose your patience. Practice makes a man perfect, don't forget this. A BTech Engineer will become Engineer after 4 Years, then how can you become a Trader in 7 Days. It takes time my friend. I am always with you. Share anything with me, don't need to Pay me

Thanks for reading. If you finished the blog, you are ready to explore yourself. Wish you all the very best. Be happy with your family 😊

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